· Chuck Conway · Satire · 1 min read
King of the Hill Developer
Typically this developer has been in few organizations. They tend to be the smart frog in the small pond. When another smarter developer joins them, they try to subjugate them. Tactics include withholding information, passive put downs and excessive explaining.
Typically, this developer has been in few organizations. They tend to be the smart frog in the small pond. When another smarter developer joins them, they try to subjugate them. Tactics include withholding information, passive put downs and excessive explaining.
King of the Hill Developers have all the answers, similar to the Go-To developer, they have the grand scheme in their minds and only give information as needed. When idea’s arise that are better or will make them look bad they vigorously deny the validity of the idea.
Since they work in a royal vacuum, their designs and code tend to be flawed.