· Chuck Conway · Software Development  · 1 min read

The Mind State of a Software Engineer

Have patience. Coding is discovery. Coding is failing. Be ok with this.

Have patience. Coding is discovery. Coding is failing. Be ok with this.

Have patience.

Coding is discovery. Coding is failing. Be ok with this.

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Don’t blame the framework. It’s more probable it’s your code. Accept this fallibility.

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Know when to walk away. You mind is a wonderful tool, even at rest it’s working on unsolved problems. Rest, and let your mind do it’s work.

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Be comfortable not knowing. Software engineering is a vast ocean of knowledge. Someone will always know more than you. The sooner you are OK with this the sooner you will recognize the opportunity to learn something new.

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Anger and frustration don’t fix code. Take a break, nothing can be accomplished in this state.

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