2 min read
Deploying with MsDeploy Outside of Visual Studio

Building the msdeploy package with MSBuild.

This requires MsDeploy to be installed on the build machine.

MSBUILD /T:Package /P:Configuration=QA;PackageLocation="C:\Build\Artifacts\eserve\DEV\QA\QA.zip"

Deploying the package with MsDeploy to a web site

How to get the msdeploy command.

-source:package='C:BuildArtifactseserveDEVQAQA.zip' -dest:auto,ComputerName='https://eserve-dev.sacda.org:8172/MsDeploy.axd?site=eserve-dev',UserName='conwayc',Password='austin_1',IncludeAcls='False',AuthType='Basic' 

Copying the package with ROBOCOPY

Copying the package to another folder with robocopy has an issue. Robocopy uses exit codes as success/error codes. CI servers look at the exit code of a command to determine success or failure. Robocopy breaks this model. Luckliy the sql team posted a code snippet to get around this issue.

rem http://weblogs.sqlteam.com/robv/archive/2010/02/17/61106.aspx
robocopy %*
rem suppress successful robocopy exit statuses, only report genuine errors (bitmask 16 and 8 settings)
set/A errlev="%ERRORLEVEL% & 24"
rem exit batch file with errorlevel so SQL job can succeed or fail appropriately
exit/B %errlev%

Deploying from folder to site

-verb:sync -source:contentPath=C:BuildArtifactsSSOClientDEV -dest:contentPath="C:inetpubadfsls",computerName='http://customer.dev.myconsolidated.net

Change App Path at Commandline via MSBuild


Using MsBuild to deploy contents to folder

/T:PipelinePreDeployCopyAllFilesToOneFolder /P:Configuration=QA;_PackageTempDir="C:Build\Artifacts\Momntz\DEV\Builds\QA

Deploying Local with MSDeploy

"C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\msdeploy.exe" -verb:sync -source:package='C:\BuildArtifacts\AlSupport.zip' -dest:auto,computerName='localhost' -allowUntrusted -retryAttempts=2 -verbose

Deploying folder to Azure with MSDeploy

The following command line is for deploying a folder to windows azure websites.

"C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\msdeploy.exe" -verb:sync -source:contentPath="C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\d018513aed1c09f\Build" -dest:contentPath="groverqa",wmsvc=waws-prod-bay-005.publish.azurewebsites.windows.net/msdeploy.axd?site=groverqa,userName=$groverqa,password=secret,authtype='Basic' -AllowUntrusted