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O'Reilly's Software Architecture Series

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Software Architecture Superstream Series

Trisha Gee


Bad Code Reviews

A bad code review is a review that makes the person feel bad about the code they just spent hours working on.

We are human beings; instead of saying this is wrong, offer reasoning and suggest another direction.
Code reviews are about learning, collaboration, and conversation to improve the product, the company, and the people.

Book Recommendations

  • Delusions of Gender: How Our Minds, Society, and Neurosexism Create Difference
  • Programmed Inequality: How Britain Discarded Women Technologists and Lost Its Edge in Computing
  • Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men
  • 97 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know
  • Head First Design

Mark Richards

Software Architecture Styles

Architecture Styles vs. Architecture Patterns

Architecture Styles is a general strategy to an architecture. One or more architecture patterns can be used within an Architecture Style. Architecture Styles may also be hybrids. For example, an event-driven architecture may be made up of small components and with their data sources and deployed independently. This would be a microservice event-driven architecture.

Sonya Natanzon

The Role of the Software Architect

The Three Skills Architects must have


The architect must be an influencer. Value proposition, explaining the solution, and selling your ideas.

Conway’s Law. Org structure influences application structure. The lines of communication influence the application structure.

Growing new leadership. A lot of the time, this means training people.

Knowledge sharing.

Delegate to others and support others as they work through the problems. You can’t take on all the work yourself.

Create room for experimentation and have tolerance for mistakes.


Always learning new technologies and ideas. And then teaching and knowledge sharing. Information hoarding doesn’t work.

Selecting a toolbox. What technologies should our company use to be successful?

4 C’s

Analytical Skills


Evolve the Big Picture – Understand the path to how we got here and then chart a path forward. Create a roadmap for the next 6 months to a year.

Champion Process – People don’t fail you; the process does. This means having code reviews, retrospectives, following best prates. The process serves the team, not the other way around. Always be looking for ways to eliminate waste, whether this means adding process or removing it.

Set Culture and Values – Build, change, and influence culture and values.

The Four Immeasurables

Near Enemy and Far Enemy

  1. Loving Kindness
  2. near: selfish love
  3. far: ill will
  4. Compassion
  5. near: pity
  6. far: cruelty
  7. Empathic Joy
  8. near: blind euphoria
  9. far: jealousy
  10. Equanimity
  11. near: indifference
  12. far: paranoia
Near Enemies of Software Architect Attributes
  1. People
  2. near: functional management without influence means you become a taskmaster. You don’t have buy-in from your team.
  3. Tactical
  4. near: Individual Contributor rarely leaves time for a broader strategy. You don’t have the time to step back and see the big picture.
  5. Thought
  6. near: Ivory Tower Architect – They make architecture an academic exercise without real and practical value. They get hung up on the “right way” instead of being pragmatic and shipping software.

Solution Process

Problem Definition

  • problem statement
  • supporting analysis
  • as-is documentation

Solution Proposal

  • Models diagrams and other documentation
  • Technology selection
  • POC’s
  • Ubiquitous language definition


  • API Definition, schemas, data models
  • production code
  • changes to everything are done in the previous phases.


  • Changes
  • Bugs
  • Maintenance

Book Recommendations

  • The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable – Patrick Lencioni
  • Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter – Liz Wiseman and Greg McKeown

Nate Schutta

Thinking Architecturally

We can’t predict the future; we must decide on something concrete now and stick with it. We can’t be chasing the future. We also must plan for the future and move to technologies when it makes sense for the business. That might be because it gives us a competitive advantage or the cost of supporting our existing platform is rising.

In software, we don’t know. It’s about trial and error. Let’s try it and find out.

Every single choice has trade-offs. When someone comes to you and says, “This is the most amazing thing; it’s going to solve every problem we’ve ever had,” you should immediately ask, “What are the trade-offs?” This is design, in a nutshell, this is architecture in a nutshell.

There are three answers to every computer science questions

  • 42, this is the geek check to see who is in the know and well-read
  • Another layer of indirection
  • it depends

Balancing when to use what tool over the other is the job of the architect. There is no perfect technology.

When presenting new technologies, you should be able to answer the following questions:

  1. What do you like about this technology?
  2. What DON’T you like about this technology? — you should have spent enough time with this technology to understand its shortcomings. If you haven’t, why are you recommending it?

”Quality Requirements” is another way to say the “ilities”, for example, Scalability, Reliability, Simplicity.

There are two ways to sell you the idea:

  1. The hammer – I’m going to tell you this is a good idea
  2. The ninja – I’m going to convince you that it’s your idea and it’s a good one.

Sam Newman


The Fallacies of Distributed computing apply.

Monolith does not mean a big bad legacy system. It’s just a bigger deployment package with multiple services/domains that share their data.

Fundamentally, Microservices are a type of distributed system.

Any distributed network had the concerns of latency.

You have the concerns of consistent data. Microservices embrace this idea of a single source of truth.

One of the things that set Microservices apart from other services is it does not share its data. It owns all its data. It’s truly an encapsulated service, including its data. There is no big shared database on the backend.

The problem of partitioning is when one service can’t see another service. This happens there is a disruption in the network.

The opinions of Microservices is that each service is independently deployable and that data that mutates is stored within a service boundary.

Microservices is end-to-end functionality modeling around the aspect of the business domain.

Microservices is the first post-DevOps system.

The Monolith is not the enemy. The Monolith is not the enemy; it’s not bad. A monolith is just a different style of architecture.

Microservices is typically not a place to start but a place to end. Start out discovering your business domain by building a modular monolith. When you’ve reached your current architecture limits, and Microservices is a good fit, move to a Microservice architecture.

Not all of your services need to be Microservices.

Microservice size is not about code but about the business domain, functionality, and data. It’s also about how easy is it to create a service? The easier a service is to create, the more and the smaller the services will be.

Start off with one or two services, then add more services as you are successful with the first services. Adding microservices is not an on/off switch but a dial was to increase the volume.

Stick with, you know. Don’t overload yourself with things to learn. If you know, Go, stick with it.

The only prerequisite to Microservices is Log Aggregation.

Data is accessed and mutated via the Microservice, not directly at the data source.

Microservices is a style of modular architecture. It’s data encapsulation at a service level.

Microservices is about functional slicing at the team and architecture level. This includes the UI level also.