2 min read
Udemy - TDD Class


  • Fast
  • Independent
  • Repeatable
  • Self-Validatable
  • In-Time, written before production code

Types of Tests

  • Unit Tests – verify the behavior of a unit under tests in isolation
  • Integration Tests – verify the behavior of either a part of the system or a whole system. These tests are often brittle.
  • Acceptance Tests – verify the software from the user’s point of view.

Frameworks & Tools

  • SpecFlow – BDD
  • xUnit – unit testing
  • Moq – Mocking
  • NCrunch
  • Resharper


  • Triangulation
    • We generalize the implementation when we have two or more test cases. We add test cases until the right way of implementation starts to emerge.
  • Faking
    • Faking means returning constants and gradually replacing the value with variables and evolving the solution.
  • Obvious Implementation
    • Sometimes the implementation appears obvious, but as you start to poke at it with tests, it begin to crumble.
  • Grabbing the gold
    • You start from writing unit tests which cover the core functionality right away, and it fails with edge cases.
    • Suggestion: Write as many tests as possible before approaching the core functionality. Check for max values, empty strings, null values, min values… etc.
    • Uncle Bob’s Suggestions: Write tests exactly in the following order: exceptional, degenerate, and ancillary
      • Degenerative cases are those which cause the core functionality to do “nothing”
      • Ancillary behaviors are those which support the core functionality