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Setting up Continuous Integration on Ubuntu with Nodejs

I went through blood, sweat and tears to bring this to you. I suffered the scorching heat of Death Valley and summited the peaks of Mount McKinley. I’ve sacrificed much.

Much of content shared in the post is not my original work. Where I can, I link back to the original work.

This article assumes you can get around Linux.

I could not find a comprehensive guide on hosting and managing Nodejs applications on Ubuntu in a production capacity. I’ve pulled together multiple articles on the subject. By the end of this article I hope you’ll be able to setup up your own Ubuntu server and have Nodejs deploying via a continuous integration server.


I am using TeamCity on Windows which then deploys code from GitHub to Ubuntu hosted on AWS.


For this article I used the following technologies:

  • Ubuntu 14.04 on AWS
  • Plink 0.64
  • TeamCity 9.1
  • GitHub
  • Nginx 1.9.3

Setting up Ubuntu

I’m not going into detail here. Amazon Web Services (AWS) makes this pretty easy to do. It doesn’t matter where it’s at or if it’s on your own server.

I encountered a few gotchas. First, make sure port 80 is opened. I made the foolish mistake of trying to connect with port 80 closed. Once I discovered my mistake, I felt like a rhinoceros’s ass.

Installing Nodejs From Source

Nodejs is a server technology using Google’s V8 javascript engine. Since it’s release in 2010, its become widely popular.

The following instructions originally came from a Digital Ocean post).

You always have the option to install Nodejs from the apt-get, but it will be a few versions behind. To get the latest bits, install Nodejs from the source.

At this send of this section we will have downloaded the latest stable version of node (as of this article), we will have build the source and installed Nodejs.

Log into your server. We’ll start by updating the package lists.

sudo apt-get update

I’m also suggesting that you upgrade all the packages. This is not necessary, for Nodejs but it is good practice to keep your server updated.

sudo apt-get upgrade

Your server is all up to date. It’s time download the source.

cd ~

As of the writing 12.7 is the latest stable release of Nodejs. Check out for the latest version.


Extract the archive you’ve downloaded.

tar xvf node-v*

Move into the newly created directory

cd node-v*

Configure and build Nodejs.



Install Nodejs

sudo make install

To remove the downloaded and the extracted files. Of course, this is optional.

cd ~

rm -rf node-v*

Congrats! Nodejs is now installed! And it wasn’t very hard.

Setting up Nginx


Nodejs can act as a web server, but it’s not what I would want to expose to the world. An industrial, harden, feature rich web server is better suited for this. I’ve turned to Nginx for this task.

It’s a mature web server with the features we need. To run more than one instance of Nodejs, we’ll need to port forwarding.

You might be thinking, why do we need more than one instance of Nodejs running at the same-time. That’s a fair question… In my scenario, I have one server and I need to run DEV, QA and PROD on the same machine. Yeah, I know not ideal, but I don’t want to stand up 3 servers for each environment.

To start let’s install Nginx

sudo -s

add-apt-repository ppa:nginx/stable

apt-get update 

apt-get install nginx

Once Nginx is has successfully installed we need to set up on the domains. I’m going to assume you’ll want to have each of your sites on it’s own domain/sub domain. If you don’t and want to use different sub-folders, that’s doable and very easy to do. I am not going to cover that scenario here. There is a ton of documentation on how to do that. There is very little documentation on setting up different domains and port forwarding to the corresponding Nodejs instances. This is what I’ll be covering.

Now that Nginx is installed, create a file for at /etc/nginx/sites-available/

sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/

Add the following configuration to your newly created file

# the IP(s) on which your node server is running. I chose port 9001.
upstream app_myapp1 {
    keepalive 8;

# the nginx server instance
server {
    listen 80;
    access_log /var/log/nginx/yourdomain.log;

    # pass the request to the node.js server with the correct headers
    # and much more can be added, see nginx config options
    location / {
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
        proxy_set_header X-NginX-Proxy true;

        proxy_pass http://app_myapp1;


Make sure you replace “” with your actual domain. Save and exit your editor.

Create a symbolic link to this file in the sites-enabled directory.

cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ 

ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/

To test everything is working correctly, create a simple node app and save it to /var/www/ and run it.

Here is a simple nodejs app if you don’t have one handy.

var http = require('http');

http.createServer(function (req, res) {
    res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
    res.end('Hello World\n');}).listen(9001, "");
console.log('Server running at');

Let’s restart Nginx.

sudo /etc/init.d/nginx restart

Don’t forget to start your Nodejs instance, if you haven’t already.

cd /var/www/yourdomain/ && node app.js

If all is working correctly, when you navigate to you’ll see “Hello World.”

To add another domain for a different Nodejs instance your need to repeat the steps above. Specifically you’ll need to change the upstream name, the port and the domain in your new Nginx config file. The proxy_pass address must match the upstream name in the nginx config file. Look at the upstream name and the proxy_pass value and you’ll see what I mean.

To recap, we’ve installed NodeJS from source and we just finished installing Nginx. We’ve configured and tested port forwarding with Nginx and Nodejs

Installing PM2

You might be asking “What is PM2?” as I did when I first heard about. PM2 is a process manager for Nodejs applications. Nodejs doesn’t come with much. This is part of it’s appeal. The downside to this, is well, you have to provide the layers in front of it. PM2 is one of those layers.

PM2 manages the life of the Nodejs process. When it’s terminated, PM2 restarts it. When the server reboots PM2 restarts all the Nodejs processes for you. It also has extensive development lifecycle process. We won’t be covering this aspect of PM2. I encourage you to read well written documentation.

Assuming you are logged into the terminal, we’ll start by installing PM2 via NPM. Npm is Nodejs package manager (npm). It was installed when you installed Nodejs.

sudo npm install pm2 -g

That’s it. PM2 is now installed.

Using PM2

PM2 is easy to use.

The hello world for PM2 is simple.

pm2 start hello.js

This adds your application to PM2’s process list. This list is output each time an application is started.

In this example there are two Nodejs applications running. One called and api.pre.

PM2 automatically assigns the name of the app to the “App name” in the list.

Out of the box, PM2 does not configure itself to startup when the server restarts. The command is different for the different flavors of Linux. I’m running on Ubuntu, so I’ll execute the Ubuntu command.

pm2 start ubuntu

We are not quite done yet. We have to add a path to the PM2 binary. Fortunately, the output of the previous command tells us how to do that.


[PM2] You have to run this command as root
[PM2] Execute the following command :
[PM2] sudo env PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin pm2 startup ubuntu -u sammy
Run the command that was generated (similar to the highlighted output above) to set PM2 up to start on boot (use the command from your own output):

 sudo env PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin pm2 startup ubuntu -u sammy

Examples of other PM2 usages (optional)

Stopping an application by the app name

pm2 stop example

Restarting by the app name

pm2 restart example

List of current applications managed by PM2

pm2 list

Specifying a name when starting a process. If you call, PM2 uses the javascript file as the name. This might not work for you. Here’s how to specify the name.

pm2 start www.js --name api.pre

That should be enough to get you going with PM2. To learn more about PM2’s capabilities, visit the GitHub Repo.

Setting up and Using Plink

You are probably thinking, “What in the name of Betsey’s cow is Plink?” At least that’s thought. I’m still not sure what to think of it. I’ve never seen anything like it.

You ever watched the movie Wall-e? Wall-e pulls out a spork. First he tries to put it with the forks, but it doesn’t fix and then he tries to put it with the spoons, but it doesn’t fit. Well that’s Plink. It’s a cross between Putty (SSH) and the Windows Command Line.

Plink basically allows you to run bash commands via the Windows command line while logged into a Linux (and probably Unix) shell.

Start by downloading Plink. It’s just an executable. I recommend putting it in C:/Program Files (x86)/Plink. We’ll need to reference it later.

If you are running an Ubuntu instance in AWS. You’ll already have a cert setup for Putty (I’m assuming you are using Putty).

If you are not, you’ll need to ensure you have a compatible ssh cert for Ubuntu in AWS.

If you are not using AWS, you can specify the username and password in the command line and won’t to worry about the ssh certs.

Here is an example command line that connects to Ubuntu with Plink.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Plink\plink.exe" -ssh ubuntu@xx.xx.xx.xx -i "C:\Program Files (x86)\Plink\ssh certs\aws-ubuntu.ppk" 

This might be getting ahead of ourselves, but to run an ssh script on the Ubuntu server we add the complete path to the end of the Plink command.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Plink\plink.exe" -ssh ubuntu@xx.xx.xx.xx -i "C:\Program Files (x86)\Plink\ssh certs\aws-ubuntu.ppk" /var/www/

And that, dear reader, is Plink.

Understanding NODE_ENV

NODE_ENV is an environment variable made popular by expressjs. Before your start the node instance, set the NODE_ENV to the environment. In the code you can load specific files based on the environment.

Setting NODE_ENV
Linux & Mac: export NODE_ENV=PROD
Windows: set NODE_ENV=PROD

The environment variable is retrieved inside a Nodejs instance by using process.env.NODE_ENV.


var environment = process.env.NODE_ENV

or with expressjs


*Note: app.get(‘env’) defaults to “development”.

Bringing it all together

Nodejs, PM2, Nginx and Plink are installed and hopefully working. We now need to bring all these pieces together into a continuous integration solution.

Clone your GitHub repository in /var/www/ Although SSH is more secure than HTTPS, I recommend using HTTPS. I know this isn’t ideal, but I couldn’t get Plink working with GitHub on Ubuntu. Without going into too much detail Plink and GitHub SSH cert formats are different and calling GitHub via Plink through SSH didn’t work. If you can figure out the issue let me know!

To make the GitHub pull handsfree, the username and password will need to be a part of the origin url.

Here’s how you set your origin url. Of course you’ll need to substitute your information where appropriate.

git remote set-url origin

Clone your repository.

cd /var/www/
git clone .

Note, that if this directory is not completely empty, including hidden files Git will not clone the repo to this directory.

To find hidden files in the directory run this command

ls -a

For the glue, we are using a shell script. Here is a copy of my script.


echo "> Current PM2 Apps"
pm2 list

echo "> Stopping running API"
pm2 stop

echo "> Set Environment variable."

echo "> Changing directory to"
cd /var/www/

echo "> Listing the contents of the directory."
ls -a

echo "> Remove untracked directories in addition to untracked files."
git clean -f -d

echo "> Pull updates from Github."
git pull

echo "> Install npm updates."
sudo npm install

echo "> Transpile the ECMAScript 2015 code"
gulp babel

echo "> Restart the API"
pm2 start transpiled/www.js --name

echo "> List folder directories"
ls -a

echo "> All done."

I launch this shell script with TeamCity, but you can launch with anything.

Here is the raw command.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Plink\plink.exe" -ssh ubuntu@xx.xx.xx.xx -i "C:\Program Files (x86)\Plink\ssh certs\aws-ubuntu.ppk" /var/www/

That’s it.

In Closing

This process has some rough edges… I hope to polish those edges in time. If you have suggestions please leave them in the comments.

This document is in my GitHub Repository. Technologies change, so if you find an error please update it. I will then update this post.

The Mind State of a Software Engineer

Have patience.

Coding is discovery. Coding is failing. Be ok with this.

*image reference

Don’t blame the framework. It’s more probable it’s your code. Accept this fallibility.

*image reference

Know when to walk away. You mind is a wonderful tool, even at rest it’s working on unsolved problems. Rest, and let your mind do it’s work.

*image reference

Be comfortable not knowing. Software engineering is a vast ocean of knowledge. Someone will always know more than you. The sooner you are OK with this the sooner you will recognize the opportunity to learn something new.

*image reference

Anger and frustration don’t fix code. Take a break, nothing can be accomplished in this state.

*image reference

Index Fragmentation in SQL Azure, Who Knew!

I’ve been on my project for over a year and it has significantly grown as an application and in data during the year. It’s been nonstop new features. I’ve rarely gone back and refactored code. Last week I noticed some of the data heavy pages were loading slowly. At the worst case one view could take up to 30 seconds to load. 10 times over my maximum load time…

Call me naive, but I didn’t consider index fragmentation in SQL Azure. It’s the cloud! It’s suppose to be immune to premise issues… Apparently index fragmentation is also an issue in the cloud.

I found a couple of queries on an MSDN blog, that identify the fragmented indexes and then rebuilds them.

After running the first query to show index fragmentation I found some indexes with over 50 percent fragmentation. According to the article anything over 10% needs attention.

First Query Display Index Fragmentation

--Get the fragmentation percentage

,OBJECT_NAME(ps.object_id) AS TableName
, AS IndexName
FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats ps
INNER JOIN sys.indexes i
ON ps.object_id = i.object_id
AND ps.index_id = i.index_id
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(), ps.object_id, ps.index_id, null, 'LIMITED') ips
ORDER BY ps.object_id, ps.index_id

Second Query Rebuilds the Indexes

--Rebuild the indexes
DECLARE @TableName varchar(255)

 SELECT '[' + IST.TABLE_SCHEMA + '].[' + IST.TABLE_NAME + ']' AS [TableName]

 OPEN TableCursor
 FETCH NEXT FROM TableCursor INTO @TableName

 PRINT('Rebuilding Indexes on ' + @TableName)
Begin Try
End Try
Begin Catch
 PRINT('Cannot do rebuild with Online=On option, taking table ' + @TableName+' down for douing rebuild')
 End Catch
FETCH NEXT FROM TableCursor INTO @TableName

CLOSE TableCursor


A General Ledger : Understanding the Ledger

What is a general ledger and why is it important? To find out read on!

What is a general ledger? A general ledger is a log of all the transactions relating to assets, liabilities, owners’ equity, revenue and expenses. It’s how a company can tell if it’s profitable or it’s taking a loss. In the US, this is the most common way to track the financials.

To understand how a general ledger works, you must understand double entry bookkeeping. So, what is double entry bookkeeping? I’m glad you asked. Imagine you have a company and your first customer paid you $1000. To record this, you add this transaction to the general ledger. Two entries made: a debit, increasing the value of your assets in your cash account and a credit, decreasing the value of the revenue (money given to you by your customer payment). Think of the cash account as an internal account, meaning an account that you track the debits (increasing in value) and credits (decreasing in value). The revenue account is an external account. Meaning you only track the credit entries. External accounts don’t impact your business. They merely tell you where the money is coming from and where it’s going.

Here is a visual of our first customers payment.

If the sum of the debit column and the sum of the credit column don’t equal each other, then there is an error in the general ledger. When both sides equal each other the books are said to be balanced. You want balanced books.

Let’s look at a slightly more complex example.

You receive two bills: water and electric, both for $50. You pay them using part of the cash in your cash account. The current balance is $1000. What entries are needed? Take your time. I’ll wait.

Four entries are added to the general ledger: two credit entries for cash and one entry for each the water and electric accounts. Notice the cash entries are for credits.

For bonus, how would we calculate the remaining balance of the cash account? Take your time. Again, I’ll wait for you.

To get the remaining balance we need to identify each cash entry.

To get the balance of the Cash account we do the same thing we did to balance the books, but this time we only look at the cash account. We take the sum of the debit column for the cash account and the sum of the Credit column for the cash account and subtract them from each other. The remaining value is the balance of the cash account.

And that folks, is the basics of a general ledger and double entry bookkeeping. I hope you see the importance of this approach. As it give you the ability to quicking see if there are errors in your books. You have high fidelity in tracking payments and revenues.

This is just the tip of the iceberg in accounting. If you’d like to dive deeper into accounting, have a look at the accounting equation: Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s Equity.

Hopefully this post has given you a basic understanding of what a general ledger is and how double-entry bookkeeping works. In the next post I’ll go into how to implement a general ledger in C#.

Proofing a Concept and Growing the Code

In a recent conversation, a friend mentioned he creates proof of concepts and then discards them after testing their viability. I’ve done the same in the past. This time it didn’t feel right. I cringed when he said he threw away to the code. Maybe my days as a business owner has turned me into a froogle goat, but it felt like he was throwing away value.

Why don’t we continue forward with a proof of concept?

Generally when I think of a proof of concept its hastily assembled. Many of the “best practices” are short-cutted if not downright ignored. The goal is to test the feasibility an idea. At some point you’ll realize if the solution will work. Then you’ll decide if it’s time to walk away from the idea and ditch the proof of concept or move forward with the idea. If you move forward with the idea, why not keep coding and turn the proof of concept into the real deal?

I’ll be honest here, it seems ridiculous that you’d create a solution and then throw it away just to create it again. That’s like poorly painting an entire house just to see if you like the color. “Yep, the color is good. Let’s paint the house for reals this time and this time we’ll do a good job.

There is another way. Evolve the code. Add in the missing infrastructure. This has the possibility of growing into a long term healthy solution.

Walking away from a proof of concept costs you value (time and money) that might otherwise be captured. Even if you don’t capture 100%, you’ll still be better off than just chucking everything and walking away. So next time, give it a try. See if you can morph a proof of concept into a sustainable project. I think you might be surprised at the end result.

Securing AngularJS with Claims

At some point an application needs authorization. This means different levels of access behave differently on a web site (or anything for that matter). It can be anything from seeing data to whole area’s that are not accessible by a group of users.

In non Single Page Applications (SPA), a claim or role is associated with data or an area of the application, either the user has this role or claim or he does not. In a SPA it’s the same, but with a huge disclaimer. A SPA is downloaded to the browser. At this point the browser has total control over the code. A nefarious person can change the code to do his bidding.

Because SPAs can’t be secured, authentication and authorization in a SPA is simply user experience. All meaningful security must be done on the web server. This article does not cover securing your API against attacks. I recommend watching a video from Pluralsight or reading a paper that addresses security for your server technology.

The intent of this article to show you how I added an authorization user experience to my Angular 1.x SPA.

Security Scopes

I have identified 3 areas of the UI that need authorization: Elements (HTML), Routes, and Data.

Just a reminder, securing a SPA is no substitute to securing the server. Permissions on the client is simply to keep the honest people honest and to provide the user with a good experience.

The 3 areas in detail:


You’ll need to hide specific HTML elements. It could be a label, a table with data, a button, or any element on the page.


You’ll want to hide entire routes. In certain cases you don’t want the user accessing a view. By securing the route a user can’t to navigate to the view. They instead will be shown a “You are not authorized to navigate to this view” message.


Sometimes hiding the elements in the view is not enough. An astute user can simply view the source and see the hidden data in the HTML source or watch it stream to the browser. What we want is the data not to be retrieve in the first place..

Adding security is tricky. At first I tried constraining the access at the HTTP API (on the client). I quickly realized this wouldn’t work. A user might not have direct access to the data, but this doesn’t mean they don’t indirectly access to the data. At the HTTP API layer (usually one of the lowest in the application) we can’t tell the context of the call and therefore can’t apply security concerns to it.

Below I have provided coding samples:


I created a service for the authorization checking code. This is the heart of the authorization. All authorization requests use this service to check if the user is authorized for the particular action.

    .service('AuthorizationContext',function(_, Session){

        this.authorizedExecution = function(key, action){

            //Looking for the claim key that was passed in. If it exists in the claim set, then execute the action.
                var claim = findKey(key, claims);

                //If Claim was found then execute the call.
                //If it was not found, do nothing
                if(claim !== undefined){

        this.authorized = function(key, callback){
            //Looking for the claim key that was passed in. If it exists in the claim set, then execute the action.
                var claim = findKey(key, claims);

                //If they don't have any security key, then move forward and authorization.
                var valid = claim !== undefined;

        //this.agencyViewKey = '401D91E7-6EA0-46B4-9A10-530E3483CE15';

        function findKey(key, claims){
            var claim = _.find(claims, function(item){
                return item.value === key;

            return claim;

Authorize Directive

The authorize directive can be applied to any HTML element that you want to hide from users without a specific level of access. If the user has the access token as part of their claims they are allow to see the element. If they don’t it’s hidden from them.

    .directive('authorize', ['$compile', 'AuthorizationContext', function($compile, AuthorizationContext) {
        return {
            restrict: 'A',
            replace: true,
            //can't have isolated the scope in a shared directive
            link:function ($scope, element, attributes) {

                var securityKey = attributes.authorize;
                AuthorizationContext.authorized(securityKey, function(authorized){
                    var el = angular.element(element);
                    el.attr('ng-show', authorized);

                    //remove the attribute, otherwise it creates an infinite loop.


I rely heavily on tabs in my application. I apply the authorize directive to the tab that I want to hide from users without the proper claims.

<tab ng-cloak heading="Users" authorize="{{allowUserManagement}}">
...html content


I’m using the ui-router. Unfortunately for those who are not, I don’t have code for the out of the box AngularJS router.

In the $stateChangeStart I authenticate the route. This is the code in that event.

$rootScope.$on("$stateChangeStart", function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams){
   AuthenticationManager.authenticate(event, toState, toParams);

The function that authorizes the route. If it’s authorized, the route is allowed to continue. If it’s not authorized, a message is displayed to the user and they are directed to the home page.

function authorizedRoute(toState, location, toaster, breadCrumbs){
   if(toState.authorization !== undefined){
       AuthorizationContext.authorized(toState.authorization, function(authorized){
               toaster.pop('error', 'Error', 'You are not authorized to view this page.');
           } else {
   } else{

In this router definition you’ll notice a property called ‘authorization’. If the user has this claim they are allowed to proceed.

    .config(function config($stateProvider){
    $stateProvider.state( 'agency', {
        url: '/agency',
        controller: 'agency.index',
        templateUrl: 'agency/agency.tpl.html',
        authenticate: true,
        data:{ pageTitle: 'Agency' }


In some cases, you don’t want to make a request to the server for the data. If the user has the claim they’ll be allowed to make the request.

The above AuthorizationContext at beginning of the article show the code for authoriedExecution. Here you see it’s usage.

AuthorizationContext.authorizedExecution(Keys.authorization.allowUserManagement, function(){
    //execute code, if the loggedin user has rights.


As I mentioned above, this is no substitute for securing the server. This code works for providing a wonder user experience.

3 Reasons Why Code Reviews are Important

A great code review will challenge your assumptions and give you constructive feedback. For me, code reviews are an essential part in growing as a software engineer.

Writing code is an intimate process. Software engineers spend years learning the craft of software engineering and when something critical is said of our creation it’s hard not to take it personal. I find myself, at times, getting defensive when I hearing criticisms. I know the reviewer means well, but this isn’t always comforting. If it wasn’t for honest feedback from some exceptional software engineers, I wouldn’t be half the software engineer I am today.

Benefits of Code Reviews

1. Finding Bugs

Sometimes it’s the simple fact of reading the code that you find an error. Sometimes it’s the other developer who spots the error. Regardless, simply walking the code is enough to expose potential issues.

I think of my mistakes as the grindstone to my sword. To quote Michael Jordan:

I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.

2. Knowledge Transfer

Sharing your work with others is humbling. In many ways you are the code. I know that I feel vulnerable when I share my code.

This a great opportunity to learn from and to teach other engineers. In sharing your code you are taking the reviews on a journey, a journey into the code and aspects about you. A lot can be learned about you by how your write code.

At the end of the code review the reviewers should have a good understanding of how the code works, the rationale behind it and will have learned a little bit about you.

3. Improving the Health of the Code

As I mentioned, the more times you read the code the better code becomes. The more reviewers the better the chance one of them will suggest an improvement. Some might think skill level matters, it doesn’t. Less experienced software engineers don’t have the deep technological knowledge as experienced software engineers, but they also don’t have to wade through all the mental technical baggage to see opportunities for improvement.

Code reviews gives us the benefit of evaluating our code. There will always be something to change to make it just a little bit better.

Coding, in this way, is much like writing. For a good piece to come into focus the code must rest and be re-read. The more times you repeat this process the better the code will become.

In Closing

Some companies don’t officially do code reviews, that’s ok. Seek out other engineers. Most software engineer’s will be happy to take 10 to 15 minutes to look over your code.

5 Steps for Coding for the Next Developer

Most of us probably don’t think about the developer who will maintain our code. Until recently, I did not consider him either. I never intentionally wrote obtuse code, but I also never left any breadcrumbs.

Kent Beck on good programmers:

Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.

Douglas Crockford on good computer programs:

It all comes down to communication and the structures that you use in order to facilitate that communication. Human language and computer languages work very differently in many ways, but ultimately I judge a good computer program by it’s ability to communicate with a human who reads that program. So at that level, they’re not that different.

Discovering purpose and intent is difficult in the most well written code. Any breadcrumbs left by the author, comments, verbose naming and consistency, is immensely helpful to next developers.

I start by looking for patterns. Patterns can be found in many places including variables names, class layout and project structure. Once identified, patterns are insights into the previous developer’s intent and help in comprehending the code.

What is a pattern? A pattern is a repeatable solution to a recurring problem. Consider a door. When a space must allow people to enter and to leave and yet maintain isolation, the door pattern is implemented. Now this seems obvious, but at one point it wasn’t. Someone created the door pattern which included the door handle, the hinges and the placement of these components. Walk into any home and you can identify any door and it’s components. The styles and colors might be different, but the components are the same. Software is the same.

There are known software patterns to common software problems. In 1995, Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software was published describing common software patterns. This book describes common problems encountered in most software application and offered an elegant way to solve these problems. Developers also create their own patterns while solving problems they routinely encounter. While they don’t publish a book, if you look close enough you can identify them.

Sometimes it’s difficult to identify the patterns. This makes grokking the code difficult. When you find yourself in this situation, inspect the code, see how it is used. Start a re-write. Ask yourself, how would you accomplish the same outcome. Often as you travel the thought process of an algorithm, you gain insight into the other developer’s implementation. Many of us have the inclination to re-write what we don’t understand. Resist this urge! The existing implementation is battle-tested and yours is not.

Some code is just vexing, reach out to a peer — a second set of eyes always helps. Walk the code together. You’ll be surprised what the two of you will find.

Here are 5 tips for leaving breadcrumbs for next developers

1. Patterns
Use known patterns, create your own patterns. Stick with a consistent paradigm throughout the code. For example, don’t have 3 approaches to data access.

2. Consistency
This is by far the most important aspect of coding. Nothing is more frustrating than finding inconsistent code. Consistency allows for assumptions. Each time a specific software pattern is encountered, it should be assumed it behaves similarly as other instances of the pattern.

Inconsistent code is a nightmare, imagine reading a book with every word meaning something different, including the same word in different places. You’d have to look up each word and expend large amounts of mental energy discovering the intent. It’s frustrating, tedious and painful. You’ll go crazy! Don’t do this to next developer.

3. Verbose Naming
This is your language. These are the words to your story. Weave them well.

This includes class names, method names, variable names, project names and property names.


if(monkey.HoursSinceLastMeal > 3)


int feedInterval = 3;

if(monkey.HoursSinceLastMeal > feedInterval)

The first example has 3 hard coded in the if statement. This code is syntactically correct, but the intent of the number 3 tells you nothing. Looking at the property it’s evaluated against, you can surmise that it’s really 3 hours. In reality we don’t know. We are making an assumption.

In the second example, we set 3 to a variable called ‘feedInterval’. The intent is clearly stated in the variable name. If it’s been 3 hours since the last meal, it’s time to feed the monkey. A side effect of setting the variable is we can now change the feed interval without changing the logic.

This is a contrived example, in a large piece of software this type of code is self documenting and will help the next developer understand the code.

Comments are a double edge sword. Too much commenting increases maintenance costs, not enough leaves developers unsure on how the code works. A general rule of thumb is to comment when the average developer will not understand the code. This happens when the assumptions are not obvious or the code is out of the ordinary.

5. Code Simple
In my professional opinion writing complex code is the biggest folly among developers.

Steve Jobs on simplicity:

Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.

Complexity comes in many forms, some of which include: future proofing, overly complex implementations, too much abstraction, large classes and large methods.

For more on writing clean simple code, see Uncle Bob’s book Clean Code and Max Kanat-Alexander’s Code Simplicity


Reading code is hard. With a few simple steps you can ensure the next developer will grok your code.

Questions to Ask During an Interview

When I walk out of an interview, I want to know the position’s responsibilities, I want to know the environment and I want to know what I am expected to accomplish during my first week. Most of all I want to know if the company is a fit for me. More often than not companies will hire the best among the candidate pool. This does not mean they are the best for the position. Simply they are the best in the given candidate pool. Very few companies recognize this difference. It’s your job as the interviewee to vet the company.

I have developed the following questions to ask during an interview:

What will be my first task?
Is there a project plan? How much thought has gone into this position?

**What will determine success or failure? **
If project success can’t be articulated, how can they measure success in the position?

**How do I get my tasks? **
Is an issue tracking system used?

Do you use source control?
A company without source control in 2014 is almost always a deal breaker. If a company can’t provide the most basic need of software engineers there are bound to be other issues.

Do you allow remote work?
Telecommuting is a nice perk. It affords you flexibility to do errands or have appointments during lunch.

**Describe the computer/environment I am provide. **
What type of machine is given to software engineers? Two monitors or one? Is the work area low traffic and quiet — Getting stuck in a loud high traffic area sucks.

What are the hours?
Are the hours flexible? What are the core hours?

Am I on call?
Are you expected to support production issues during off hours? Do software engineers answer customer support calls?

Automated builds and Deployments?
How evolved is the build process? Do developers manually build or is it automated?

Do you have testers?
Am I responsible for testing?

**What technologies do you use? **
There are some technologies that are no longer interesting.
SCRUM, Lean, Agile or Waterfall. Does the team do Code Reviews? What about Unit Testing?

Most forget that an interview is a two way street. You, as the interviewee, are interviewing the company and your future co-workers for a good fit in the company and in the position.

Implementing Transparent Encryption with NHibernate Listeners (Interceptors)

Have you ever had to encrypt data in the database? In this post, I’ll explore how using nHibernate Listeners to encrypt and decrypt data coming from and going into your database. The cryptography will be transparent to your application.

Why would you want to do this? SQL Server has encryption baked into the product. That is true, but if you are moving to the cloud and want to use SQL Azure you’ll need some sort of cryptography strategy. SQL Azure does not support database encryption.

What is an nHibernate Listener? I think of a Listener as a piece of code that I can inject into specific extensibility points in the nHibernate persistence and data hydration lifecycle.

As of this writing the following extensibility points are available in nHibernate.

  • IAutoFlushEventListener
  • IDeleteEventListener
  • IDirtyCheckEventListener
  • IEvictEventListener
  • IFlushEntityEventListener
  • IFlushEventListener
  • IInitializeCollectionEventListener
  • ILoadEventListener
  • ILockEventListener
  • IMergeEventListener
  • IPersistEventListener
  • IPostCollectionRecreateEventListener
  • IPostCollectionRemoveEventListener
  • IPostCollectionUpdateEventListener
  • IPostDeleteEventListener
  • IPostInsertEventListener
  • IPostLoadEventListener
  • IPostUpdateEventListener
  • IPreCollectionRecreateEventListener
  • IPreCollectionRemoveEventListener
  • IPreCollectionUpdateEventListener
  • IPreDeleteEventListener
  • IPreInsertEventListener
  • IPreLoadEventListener
  • IPreUpdateEventListener
  • IRefreshEventListener
  • IReplicateEventListener
  • ISaveOrUpdateEventListener

The list is extensive.

To implement transparent cryptography, we need to find the right place to encrypt and decrypt the data. For encrypting the data we’ll use IPostInsertEventListener and IPostUpdateEventListener. With these events we’ll catch the new data and the updated data going into the database. For decrypting, we’ll use the IPreLoadEventListener.

For this demonstration we’ll be using DatabaseCryptography class for encrypting and decrypting. The cryptography implementation is not important for this article.


public class PreLoadEventListener : IPreLoadEventListener
readonly DatabaseCryptography _crypto = new DatabaseCryptography();

/// Called when [pre load].

///The event. public void OnPreLoad(PreLoadEvent @event)
_crypto.DecryptProperty(@event.Entity, @event.Persister.PropertyNames, @event.State);


public class PreInsertEventListener : IPreInsertEventListener
readonly DatabaseCryptography _crypto = new DatabaseCryptography();

/// Return true if the operation should be vetoed

///The event. /// true if XXXX, false otherwise.
public bool OnPreInsert(PreInsertEvent @event)
_crypto.EncryptProperties(@event.Entity, @event.State, @event.Persister.PropertyNames);

return false;


public class PreUpdateEventListener : IPreUpdateEventListener
readonly DatabaseCryptography _crypto = new DatabaseCryptography();

/// Return true if the operation should be vetoed

///The event. /// true if XXXX, false otherwise.
public bool OnPreUpdate(PreUpdateEvent @event)
_crypto.EncryptProperties(@event.Entity, @event.State, @event.Persister.PropertyNames);

return false;

It’s important to note that on both IPreUpdateEventListener and IPreInsertEventListener must return false, otherwise the insert/update event will be aborted.

Now that we have the Listeners implemented we need to register them with nHibernate. I am using FluentNHibernate so this will be different if you are using raw nHibernate.


public class SessionFactory
/// Creates the session factory.

/// ISessionFactory.
public static ISessionFactory CreateSessionFactory()
return Fluently.Configure()

.ConnectionString(c =&gt; c

.Mappings(m =&gt; m.FluentMappings.AddFromAssemblyOf())
.ExposeConfiguration(s =&gt;
s.SetListener(ListenerType.PreUpdate, new PreUpdateEventListener());
s.SetListener(ListenerType.PreInsert, new PreInsertEventListener());
s.SetListener(ListenerType.PreLoad, new PreLoadEventListener());

When decrypting and encrypting data at the application level it makes the data useless in the database. You’ll need to bring the data back into the application to read the values of the encrypted fields. We want to limit the fields that are encrypted and we only want to encrypt string values. Encrypting anything other that string values complicates things. There is nothing saying we can’t encrypt dates, but doing so will require the date field in the database to become a string(nvarchar or varchar) field, to hold the encrypted data, once we do this we lose the ability to operate on the date field from the database.

To identify which fields we want encrypted and decrypted I’ll use marker attributes.

Encrypt Attribute

public class EncryptAttribute : Attribute

Decrypted Attribute

public class DecryptAttribute : Attribute

To see the EncryptAttribute and the DecryptedAttribute in action we’ll take a peek into the DatabaseCryptography class.


public class DatabaseCryptography
    private readonly Crypto _crypto = ObjectFactory.GetInstance();

    /// Encrypts the properties.
    ///The entity. ///The state. ///The property names. 
    public void EncryptProperties(object entity, object[] state, string[] propertyNames)
        Crypt(entity, propertyNames, s = &gt;

    /// Crypts the specified entity.

    ///The entity. ///The state. ///The property names. ///The crypt.
    private void Crypt(object entity, string[] propertyNames, Func&lt;string, string&gt; crypt, object[] state) where T : Attribute
        if (entity != null)
            var properties = entity.GetType().GetProperties();

            foreach (var info in properties)
                var attributes = info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (T), true);

                if (attributes.Any())
                    var name = info.Name;
                    var count = 0;

                    foreach (var s in propertyNames)
                        if (string.Equals(s, name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            var val = Convert.ToString(state[count]);
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(val))

                                val = crypt(val);
                                state[count] = val;



    /// Decrypts the property.
    ///The entity. ///The state. ///The property names. 
    public void DecryptProperies(object entity, string[] propertyNames, object[] state)
        Crypt(entity, propertyNames, s = &gt;


That’s it. Now the encryption and decryption of data will be transparent to the application and you can go on your merry way building the next Facebook.