A Binary Search Implementation
The binary search algorithm quickly searches a large array of numbers, it’s often referred to as divide and conquer.
The binary search algorithm quickly searches a large array of numbers, it’s often referred to as divide and conquer.
Continuous Integration (CI) and/or Continuous Delivery (CD) is the norm on software projects these days. There are many build servers such as Azure DevOps, TeamCity, Jenkins, and Cruise Control.Net.
Microsoft is adding a new feature to C# 8 called Nullable Reference Types. Which at first, is confusing because all reference types are nullable… so how this different? Going forward, if the feature is enabled, references types are non-nullable, unless you explicitly notate them as nullable.
Naming is subjective and situational, it’s an art, and with most art, we discover patterns. I’ve learned a lot through the reading of other’s code. In this article, I’ve compiled 9 guidelines I wished others had followed when I read their code.
Understanding code is the first step to modifying it.
Memory management in modern languages is often an afterthought. For all intents and purposes, we write software without nary a thought about memory. This serves us well but there are always exceptions…