· Chuck Conway · Programming  · 1 min read

Creating a Generic Type at Runtime

To use a runtime type with an IOC container like StructureMap to find a generic implementation, create the generic type using `MakeGenericType` and then retrieve the instance from the container using `_container.GetInstance(type)`.

To use a runtime type with an IOC container like StructureMap to find a generic implementation, create the generic type using `MakeGenericType` and then retrieve the instance from the container using `_container.GetInstance(type)`.

I have a type (at runtime), I want to use it with an IOC container (in this case StructureMap) to find a generic implementation using this type. How do I do that?

It’s simpler than you’d think:

Type genericType = typeof (AbstractValidator);
Type type = genericType.MakeGenericType(bindingContext.ModelType);

//Structure Map container
var instance = _container.GetInstance(type);

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