Running Await in a Constructor
If you must run code in a constructor. I’d look for a different way, but if you must, here’s one way.
Stop and Remove ALL Docker Containers and Images
This is shamelessly stolen from The Humble Developer.
Workaround for 'Template parse errors;' in Angular
This was one of the more frustrating issues with Angular 2/4/+. It’s not an issue with Angular 2/4/+ per se, but with how webpack bundles the supporting HTML files.
In a Single Page Application, Should I process on the Client or the Server?
One of the selling points of the Single Page Application (SPA) was offloading work traditionally performed on the server onto the client. I feel the SPA has delivered on this promise.
Examining the Case for Switch Statements
For nearly 50 years, the switch statement (also known as the case statement) has been an integral part of programming. In recent years, however, some are claiming that the switch statement has outlived its usefulness. Others go even further by labeling the switch statement as a code-smell.
4 Practices to Lowering Your Defect Rate
Writing software is a battle between complexity and simplicity. Striking balance between the two is difficult. The trade-off is between long unmaintainable methods and too much abstraction. Tilting too far in either direction impairs code readability and increases the likelihood of defects.