Tag: Code
All the articles with the tag "Code".
Securing AngularJS with Claims
At some point an application needs authorization. This means different levels of access behave differently on a web site (or anything for that matter). It can be anything from seeing data to whole area’s that are not accessible by a group of users.
3 Reasons Why Code Reviews are Important
A great code review will challenge your assumptions and give you constructive feedback. For me, code reviews are an essential part in growing as a software engineer.
5 Steps for Coding for the Next Developer
Most of us probably don't think about the developer who will maintain our code. Until recently, I did not consider him either. I never intentionally wrote obtuse code, but I also never left any breadcrumbs.
Implementing Transparent Encryption with NHibernate Listeners (Interceptors)
Have you ever had to encrypt data in the database? In this post, I’ll explore how using nHibernate Listeners to encrypt and decrypt data coming from and going into your database. The cryptography will be transparent to your application.
Calling Stored Procedures with Code First
One of the weaknesses of Entity Framework 6 Code First is the lack of support for natively calling database constructs (views, stored procedures… etc). For those who have not heard of or used Code-First in Entity Framework (EF), Code-First is simply a Fluent mapping API.
Conditional Sql parameters with nHibernate
The problem is a the nHibernate’s `CreateSqlQuery` needs a complete sql string to be created, but you can’t create a string until you’ve evaluated the parameters. The only work around is to evaluate the conditional parameters to create the sql string to create the nHibernate session and then revaluate the parameters again to add them to the `nHibernate` query object.