Tag: design
All the articles with the tag "design".
A Binary Search Implementation
The binary search algorithm quickly searches a large array of numbers, it’s often referred to as divide and conquer.
The Benefits of Using a Build Framework
Continuous Integration (CI) and/or Continuous Delivery (CD) is the norm on software projects these days. There are many build servers such as Azure DevOps, TeamCity, Jenkins, and Cruise Control.Net.
C# 8 - Nullable Reference Types
Microsoft is adding a new feature to C# 8 called Nullable Reference Types. Which at first, is confusing because all reference types are nullable… so how this different? Going forward, if the feature is enabled, references types are non-nullable, unless you explicitly notate them as nullable.
9 Guidelines for Creating Expressive Names
Naming is subjective and situational, it’s an art, and with most art, we discover patterns. I’ve learned a lot through the reading of other’s code. In this article, I’ve compiled 9 guidelines I wished others had followed when I read their code.
Garbage Collection Types in .Net Core
Memory management in modern languages is often an afterthought. For all intents and purposes, we write software without nary a thought about memory. This serves us well but there are always exceptions…